Saturday, June 26, 2010


The following passage is an excerpt from Colleges that Change Lives: 40 Schools That Will Change the Way You Think about Colleges, by Loren Pope. He speaks about the qualities that are present in valuable learning experiences. His passage (included below) really speaks to me because it describes my personal style, especially as I begin to define the inherent qualities that make the Speaks-Love Tutoring style unique:

“Their power lies in how they do it. The focus is on the students, not the faculty; he is heavily involved in his own education. There are no passive ears…Teaching is an act of love. Learning is collaborative rather than competitive, values are central; there is a strong sense of community….where the whole becomes greater than the sum of the parts. Aspirations are raised, young people empowered.

It is those qualities that develop leaders, people who can land on their feet, who are bold and imaginative, and who can see the big picture. They do it for students who are strong and intellectual and for those needing tender loving care.”

I care. I listen to them, to their parents, teachers and counselors. As mentor, friend, educational companion,  reader to them, their teacher and student, their support, encouragement, their advocate. I do take the concerns and challenges and successes of each student home with me. They absolutely feel like my own children that I am helping to grow. I do agree that it takes a village; I had a village as a child, and every bit of it was necessary, appreciated, and never forgotten. I enjoy what I do so much!

Friday, June 25, 2010

A Must Read

Colleges that Change Lives: Loren Pope

Examines and re-establishes perspectives on Ivy League

website companion...

A Good Sign

when my husband lifted my cup today, this was the image water left beneath my cup!
photo credit: J. Speaks-Love

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

You Need this Book...

I really cannot say enough about this resource. I've spent time with many SAT books and this one, by far, offers more prep and practice than any other. The "Skills" areas shown below in the Table of Contents include pages of multiple worksheets! Edition 2011 is on the shelf.

20 bucks well spent.


McGraw-Hill's SAT will help you prepare for the big exam with its valuable features and interactive test-taking practice online!

McGraw-Hill's SAT is now equipped with new additions to better meet your needs. The guide teaches critical thinking skills designed to help you solve any SAT problem. And it provides test-taking practice with questions just like those on the real SAT.
  • New! Two complete interactive practice tests online (in addition to the 4 tests in the book).
  • New: Eight-page Welcome section including “How to Use This Book,” “SAT Study Plan,” “Getting the Most from the Online Tests,” and more.
  • 4 full-length practice SATs with fully explained answers.
  • Detailed 10-week study plan.
  • Pull-out "Smart Cards” for easy subject review.

Table of contents

Chapter 1. Conquer the SAT;
Chapter 2. Diagnostic SAT;
Chapter 3. Building Vocabulary;
Chapter 4. Critical Reading Skills;
Chapter 5. Sentence Completion Skills;
Chapter 6. What SAT Math Really Tests;
Chapter 7. Essential Pre-Algebra Skills;
Chapter 8. Essential Algebra I Skills;
Chapter 9. Special Math Problems;
Chapter 10. Essential Geometry Skills;
Chapter 11. Essential Algebra II Skills;
Chapter 12. Writing a Great Essay;
Chapter 13. Essay Writing Practice;
Chapter 14. SAT Writing Questions;
Chapter 15. Essential Grammar Skills;
Chapter 16. 4 Practice Tests;
Online: 2 Practice Tests

Request the Question-Answer-Service for the SAT!!

One luxury of learning is receiving your test questions, your answers and what you missed after you have taken any test.

Generally, on three test dates of the year, students can request the SAT Question and Answer Service (QAS) for $18.  You may request the service up to five months after you have tested. Only students who request the service by filling out the online app have this privilege. Usually, the dates offered for the service are in October, January and May. Check the College Board website to find out the dates for the upcoming school year:

Consider this a necessary study tool for your 2nd or 3rd time taking the SAT!

I would recommend planning, at least the first attempt at the SAT, around  one of these test dates.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Please Highlight!

I know that World Literature text book cost you 90 bucks! Following that, you had to buy six novels for English, The Norton Anthology, Chemistry, PreCal, elective materials, and somewhere around three to four additional texts, for a soaring ballpark figure somewhere around $475+.

For High School!

End of the year, you will dash to the school and attempt an urgent sell back for half their value IF you have not written or highlighted...but since I demand you highlight and I require you take notes in the margins...

It is proven that your grades will increase if you study using Post-it Notes, highlighters and flash cards. Trust me.
The following link is an abstract on the Attachment approach, which supports that achievement is higher when students have solid relationships with adults in their support circle, such as parents themselves, teachers, tutors, counselors. Relationships with students are key. Along with my mission to help them reach their educational goals, my goal is to develop relationships with students. We all respond more to those we feel a connection.

Educational Psychology Review, v21 n2 p141-170 Jun 2009

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Top Non-Traditional Colleges: Huffington Post

Colleges for Students with Learning Differences: Huffington Post

Although I prefer we officially call them, "Learning Differences," instead of "Learning Disabilities," as the article is titled, here is an article from Huffington Post on the Best Colleges for Students with Learning 'Differences.'