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Thursday, November 25, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Learn the homonyms and homophones...
ad/add allowed/aloud ant/aunt ate/eight ball/bawl band/banned bear/bare be/bee billed/build blew/blue board/bored boy/buoy brake/break by/bye/buy beach/beech bolder/boulder bread/bred brouse/brows capital/capitol caret/carrot/carat/karat cell/sell cent/scent/sent census/senses cereal/serial chews/choose choral/coral chute/shoot clothes/close colonel/kernel creak/creek crews/cruise cymbal/symbol days/daze dear/deer dew/do/due die/dye disc/disk discreet/discrete discussed/disgust doe/dough | doughs/doze earn/urn ewe/you eye/I fare/fair feat/feet find/fined fir/fur flea/flee flew/flu/flue flower/flour for/four/fore forth/fourth foul/fowl frees/freeze gneiss/nice gnu/knew/new gored/gourd gorilla/guerrilla grays/graze grate/great guessed/guest gym/Jim hale/hail hall/haul hare/hair heal/heel/he'll heard/herd hew/hue hi/high higher/hire him/hymm hair/hare hoarse/horse hole/whole hour/our idle/idol idle/idol/idyl in/inn incite/insight | its/it's jam/jamb jeans/genes knead/need/kneed knight/night knows/nose/no's lead/led leased/least lessen/lesson lie/lye links/lynx load/lode/lowed loan/lone locks/lox loot/lute maid/made mail/male maize/maze meet/meat medal/meddle mince/mints miner/minor missed/mist mooed/mood morning/mourning muscle/mussel mussed/must nays/neighs no/know none/nun nose/knows/no's not/knot/naught one/won or/oar/ore overdo/overdue paced/paste pail/pale pain/pane pair/pare/pear pain/pane |
Please learn the homonyms and homophones.
(this list was taken from here, and there are also quizzes to test your knowledge!)
passed/past patience/patients pause/paws peace/piece peak/peek/pique peal/peel pedal/peddle peer/pier pi/pie plain/plane plum/plumb praise/prays/preys presence/presents principal/principle prince/prints quarts/quartz quince/quints rain/reign/rein raise/rays/raze rap/wrap read/reed read/red real/reel reek/wreak rest/wrest review/revue right/rite/write ring/wring road/rode/rowed roe/row role/roll root/route rose/rows rote/wrote roux/rue rye/wry sacks/sax sail/sale sawed/sod scene/seen | sea/see seam/seem seas/sees/seize serf/surf serge/surge sew/so/sow shoe/shoo side/sighed sighs/size sign/sine sight/site/cite slay/sleigh soar/sore soared/sword sole/soul son/sun some/sum spade/spayed staid/stayed stair/stare stake/steak stationary/stationery steal/steel straight/strait suede/swayed summary/summery sundae/Sunday tacks/tax tail/tale taut/taught tea/tee teas/tease/tees tents/tense tern/turn there/their/they're threw/through throne/thrown thyme/time tide/tied tighten/titan | to/too/two toad/toed/towed toe/tow told/tolled tracked/tract trussed/trust use/ewes vein/vane verses/versus vial/vile vice/vise wade/weighed wail/whale waist/waste wait/weight waive/wave Wales/whales war/wore ware/wear/where warn/worn wax/whacks way/weigh/whey we/wee weather/whether we'd/weed weld/welled we'll/wheel wen/when we've/weave weak/week which/witch whirled/world whirred/word whine/wine whoa/woe who's/whose wood/would worst/wurst yoke/yolk you'll/yule your/you're/yore |
On Homework Coaching...
Excerpt from an article of the New York Times:
“I think it really came about as a result of very, very busy parents who needed some additional care given for their children after school and saw the opportunity to meld that with some academic support,” said Robert Lauder, the principal of Friends Seminary, a Manhattan private school. read the full article here...
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