Sunday, March 27, 2011


"I teach the way that I wish I was taught. 
The lectures are coming from me, an actual human being 
who is fascinated by the world around him."

This is a super resource! Any math concept you do not understand, just look for a video and you will be instructed on the concept! Over 2000 videos are included on the website, ranging from basic Arithmatic to Physics and Trigonometry. There are also test prep sections for SAT math and the GMAT, as well as Science videos that include Astronomy, Chemistry and Biology! Your instructor... Salman Khan and he is revolutionizing education. 

Here is a sample video from YouTube, 
but it is also listed/available on the Khan Academy website:

Monday, March 7, 2011

Text Lingo Appearing in Schoolwork?


VANCOUVER, Wash. (AP) - i luv Romeo & Juliet cuz u get to c how in luv the 2 caractrz r :p

Beginning sentences with lower case letters. Substituting single letters for whole words. Using an ampersand instead of spelling out the word "and." Adding letters and punctuation to make those cute little emoticons.

Clark County teachers have seen it all.

While it's become typical to see "LOL" and "JK" pop up in text messages and Internet chat sessions, teachers are also finding text slang seeping into their students' written work.

"OMG it's everywhere," quipped Mike Kleiner, an eighth-grade social studies teacher at Chief Umtuch Middle School in Battle Ground.

With preteens and teens relying on their thumbs to communicate, Kleiner said it's no surprise that text lingo is appearing in students' schoolwork.

"I don't think it's a question of they don't know any better," he said. "The thing is, they don't practice any better. They're doing what they practice."

Based on observations from area teachers, many teens appear to be spending quite a bit of their time abbreviating and leaving vowels out of words. read the full article...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fate of the World Trailer 1

From the concept, to the music and soft visuals, this video game feels right!