Sunday, September 13, 2009

Charlie Brown humor

My absolute favorite, humorous example of the labor that writing requires is in 'Happy New Year Charlie Brown,'  when (I believe it is) Linus speaks to Charlie Brown as he anguishes over reading Leo Tolstoy’s “War and Peace.”   Charlie Brown complains to Linus about 1146 pages of reading. Linus says to him, in a :cry me a river cadence….

"When Leo Tolstoy was writing ‘War and Peace’

his wife Sonia copied it for him seven times

and she did it by candle light

and with a dip pen

And sometimes she had to use a magnifying glass

to make out what he had written

They had to do it after their child had been put to bed

and it was quiet

Just think Charlie Brown,

she wrote the book seven times

and with a dip pen"

I Love it!

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